LIC Career 2020: There are certain notification for which students work eagerly to be released and some of such notification are from India’s largest Insurance Company LIC, which releases different notification to recruit candidates on various posts and some of them are: LIC ADO, LIC AAO & LIC Assistant. LIC is one of the oldest and renowned insurance company in India. These are some of the exams for which Lakhs of students works very hard to make it to the list. In this space we will discussing about all these recruitments and will also be providing you all the necessary information related to this recruitment like eligibility, vacancy trend and other related information here. Any changes will be updated here so keep checking this space.
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LIC Recruitment
LIC is a premier institution and conducts exam for different posts like LIC ADO, LIC AAO/AE & LIC Assistant. All these LIC career options are one of the highly appreciated and attractive LIC Recruitment for young and bright candidates who wants to pursue their career in the insurance industry.
LIC Career: Eligibility Criteria
LIC Career: eligibility for ADO, Assistance and AAO/AE varries and a candidates has to meet the age and education qualification criteria to be able to apply for these recruitment. The following is the eligibility criteria for LIC AAO/AE, you must check the eligibility in the official notification of the recruitment you are applying for:
Education- Minimum qualification is graduate from a recognized university.
LIC ADO Career: Exam
LIC ADO Exam or The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) Apprentice Development officer exam is an open competitive exam for the recruitment of Apprentice Development Officer (ADO) at regular intervals. The recruitment is classified into three streams:
- Agents Category
- Employees Category
- Open Market Category
LIC ADO Career: Vacancy
Given below is the 2019 vacancies zone wise. we will update the LIC ADO vacancies 2020 here once the official notification is released. As per the official notification in 2019, the number of vacancies is 8581 (approx) for ADO in LIC spread across 8 zones within the country.
- Northern Zonal Office, New Delhi – 1130
- Southern Zonal Office, Chennai – 1257
- Eastern Zonal Office, Kolkata – 922
- Western Zonal Office, Mumbai – 1753
- Central Zonal Office, Bhopal – 525
- East Central Zonal Office, Patna – 701
- North Central Zonal Office, Kanpur – 1042
- South Central Zonal Office, Hyderabad – 1251

LIC Assistant Career: Exam
Life Insurance Company which is a coveted insurance institute conducts exams for LIC Assistant. In 2019, more than 7941 vacancies were released. Lakhs of students have applied for this recruitment in 2019. The notification for LIC Assistant 2020 is yet to be released. We will be updating the vacancies for this year here only.
LIC Assistant Career: Vacancy
Zone | Vacancy |
Northern Zone | 1544 |
North Central Zone | 1313 |
East Central Zone | 1497 |
Eastern Zone | 980 |
Central Zone | 472 |
South Central Zone | 631 |
Southern Zone | 400 |
Western Zone | 1104 |
Total | 7941 |
LIC AAO/AE Career: Exam
Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) had earlier released the LIC AAO/AE 2020 official notification for the recruitment of candidates on 218 vacancies under various disciplines like Legal, Civil, IT, Rajbhasha etc.
LIC AAO Career: Vacancy
Given below is the complete list of the number of vacancy released by LIC for AAO/AE 2020.
Number of vacancies for Assistant Engineers-
Post | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | Total |
AE (Civil) | 3 | 0 | 6 | 2 | 18 | 29 |
AE (Electrical) | 1 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 10 |
AE (Architect) | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
AE (Structural) | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 4 |
AE (Electrical/Mechanical MEP Engineers) | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Total | 6 | 1 | 12 | 5 | 26 | 50 |
Number of vacancies for Assistant Administrative Officers (Specialist)-
Post | SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | Total |
AAO (CA) | 6 | 3 | 11 | 4 | 16 | 40 |
AAO (Actuarial) | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 12 | 30 |
AAO (Legal) | 7 | 3 | 10 | 4 | 16 | 40 |
AAO (Rajbhasha) | 1 | 1 | 2 | 0 | 4 | 8 |
AAO (IT) | 7 | 4 | 14 | 5 | 20 | 50 |
Total | 25 | 14 | 45 | 16 | 68 | 168 |
LIC ADO Career: Exam Pattern
This is another exam for LIC conducts recruitment exams. This exam is different than other exam which are conducted by LIC. This exams give opportunity to one and all under different categories like: Open Market Category, Agent and Employee category. Given below is the complete exam pattern of this exam:
Online Test for Open Market Category
Phase-I: Preliminary Examination:
This is the first of this recruitment i.e. Preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks is conducted online.
1 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | English & Hindi | 20 minutes |
2 | Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | English & Hindi | 20 minutes |
3 | English | 30 | 30** | English | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 70 | 1 hour |
Phase-II: Main Examination
This is second stage of recruitment i.e. Main Examination consists of Objective Tests for 150 marks. Composite time of 120 minutes.
1 | Reasoning Ability &Numerical Ability | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | CompositeTime of120 Minutes |
2 | General Knowledge,Current Affairs andEnglish Language withSpecial Emphasis onGrammar and vocabulary | 50 | 50 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Insurance and FinancialMarketing Awarenesswith special emphasison knowledge of LifeInsurance and FinancialSector | 50 | 50 | English | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For Agents Category:
Given below is the selection of Apprentice Development Officer from Agent Category will be done through single phase examination i.e. Main Examination.
1 | Reasoning Ability &Numerical Ability | 25 | 10 | English & Hindi | CompositeTime of120 Minutes |
2 | General Knowledge,Current Affairs andEnglish Language withSpecial Emphasis onGrammar and vocabulary | 25 | 15 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Elements of Insuranceand Marketing ofInsurance | 50 | 125 | English | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
For Employee Category:
Given below is the Selection of Apprentice Development Officer from Employee Category will be done through single phase examination i.e. Main Examination
1 | Reasoning Ability &Numerical Ability | 25 | 25 | English & Hindi | CompositeTime of120 Minutes |
2 | General Knowledge,Current Affairs andEnglish Language withSpecial Emphasis onGrammar and vocabulary | 25 | 25 | English & Hindi | |
3 | Practice and Principle ofInsurance Marketing | 50 | 100 | English | |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Interview :
It is conducted for all the three recruitment.
LIC Assistant Career: Exam Pattern
Given below is the complete exam pattern of LIC Assistant which is an online mode exam with 3 sections in the total.
S.No. | Sections | No. Of Questions | Marks | Time |
1 | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
2 | English Language/Hindi language | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
4 | Total | 100 | 100 marks | 60 Minutes |
LIC Assistant Mains Exam Pattern (North/North Central/Central/Western)
S.No. | Sections | Number of questions | Marks | Time |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude | 40 | 40 | 30 |
2 | General/ Financial Awareness | 40 | 40 | 30 |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 40 | 40 | 30 |
4 | English Language | 40 | 40 | 30 |
5 | Hindi Language | 40 | 40 | 30 |
Total | 200 | 200 | 150 Minutes |
LIC Assistant Mains Exam Pattern (Eastern/South Central/Southern)
S.No. | Sections | Number of questions | Marks | Time |
1 | Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude | 60 | 60 | 40 |
2 | General/ Financial Awareness | 50 | 50 | 35 |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | 40 |
4 | English Language | 40 | 40 | 35 |
Total | 200 | 200 | 150 Minutes |
LIC AAO Career: Exam Pattern
Given below is the complete exam pattern for different posts of LIC AAO/AE
Pattern of Preliminary Examination-
Sr. No. | Subjects | No of Question | Maximum Marks | Duration | Medium of Exam | Minimum Qualifying Marks |
1. | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes | Hindi/English | SC/ST/PwBD-16 Others- 18 |
2. | Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes | Hindi/English | SC/ST/PwBD-16 Others- 18 |
3. | English Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary and comprehension | 30### | 30 | 20 minutes | English | SC/ST/PwBD-09 Others- 10 |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 minutes |
Pattern of Main Examination-
S.No. | Sections | Number of questions | Marks | Time (Minutes) | Medium of Exam | Minimum Qualifying Marks |
1. | Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude | 30 | 90 | 40 | Hindi/English | SC/ST/PwBD- 40 Others- 45 |
2. | General Knowledge, Current Affairs | 30 | 60 | 20 | Hindi/English | SC/ST/PwBD- 27 Others- 30 |
3. | Professional knowledge | 30 | 90 | 40 | Hindi/English | SC/ST/PwBD- 40 Others- 45 |
4. | Insurance and Financial Market Awareness | 30 | 60 | 20 | Hindi/English | SC/ST/PwBD- 27 Others- 30 |
Total | 120 | 300 | 120 Minutes | |||
5. | English Language (Letter writing & Essay)/ Legal drafting for AAO (Legal) | 2 | 25## | 30 | English | SC/ST/PwBD- 9 Others- 10 |
Descriptive test of English Language etc. in this recruitment will be of qualifying nature and the marks in English Language will not be counted for ranking.
LIC Application Process
All the recruitment process of LIC start two month before the date of examination. Given below are some of the essential steps of LIC Application.
• Canidate is require to use Internet Explorer 8 and above
• Canidate is require to use Mozilla FireFox 3.0 and above
• Canidate is require to use Google Chrome 3.0 and above
Pre-requisites for candidates applying online must have the following :
• Canidate is require to have avalid Email Id of the candidate
• Canidate is require to have Photograph and Signature scanned in the prescribed size as given in the official notification.
• It is important that application Fee must be paid online so all document required for online transaction.
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FAQ: LIC Career 2020
Q1: How many Vacancies are released by LIC AAO & AE 2020?
Ans. As per the official notification, there are a total number of 50 vacancies for AE & 168 vacancies for LIC AAO.
Q2: Can freshers apply for LIC AAO/AE 2020?
Ans. Yes! Freshers are eligible for certain posts subject to specific educational qualification.
Q3: How many different categories are there in LIC ADO Exam?
Answer: The LIC ADO recruitment is classified into three categories:
- Agents Category
- Employees Category
- Open Market Category
Q4: What is the selection procedure of LIC ADO?
Answer: As per the official notification, the selection procedure of LIC ADO is a three tier process:
- Preliminary exam
- Mains exam
- Interview